部门:BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 毕业院校:广岛大学 学位:教育学博士 学历:博士研究生 邮编:200438 联系电话:021-65507399 电子邮箱:zhangjian@sus.edu.cn 办公地址:图文信息楼BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台411办公室 通讯地址:上海市长海路399号betvlctor网页版登录BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 |
1990.09-1994.06 上海体育学院,体育保健与康复,专业学习,获学士学位
1996.09-1999.06 上海体育学院,运动人体科学,专业学习,获硕士学位
2003.04-2006.03 广岛大学,教育学,专业学习,获博士学位
1999.07-2009.06 上海体育学院,运动科学学院,讲师
2009.07-2014.06 上海体育学院,运动科学学院,副教授
2014.07-至今 betvlctor网页版登录,BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台,教授
1.Wang, Z.#, Pi, Y.#, Tan, X., Wang, Z., Chen, R., Liu, Y., Guo, W., & Zhang, J.* (2022) Effects of Wu Qin Xi exercise on reactive inhibition in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized controlled clinical trial. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14, 961938.
2.Cao, N.#, Pi, Y.#, Qiu, F., Wang, Y., Xia, X., Liu, Y., & Zhang, J.* (2022). Plasticity changes in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex associated with procedural sequence learning are hemisphere-specific. NeuroImage, 259, 119406.
3.Xia, X., Li, Y., Wang, Y., Xia, J., Lin, Y., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., & Zhang, J.* (2021). Functional role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in the modulation of cognitive bias. Psychophysiology, 58(10), e13894.
4.Xia, X., Wang, D., Song, Y., Zhu, M., Li, Y., Chen, R., & Zhang, J.* (2021). Involvement of the primary motor cortex in the early processing stage of the affective stimulus-response compatibility effect in a manikin task. NeuroImage, 225, 117485.
5.Wang, Y., Cao, N., Lin, Y., Chen, R., & Zhang, J.* (2020). Hemispheric differences in functional interactions between the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex and ipsilateral motor cortex. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 202.
6.曹娜, 孟海江, 王艳秋, 邱方晖, 谭晓缨, 吴殷, & 张剑*.(2020).左侧背外侧前额叶在程序性运动学习中的作用. 心理学报, 52(05), 597-608.
7.Wang, J., Deng, X. P., Wu, Y. Y., Li, X. L., Feng, Z. J., Wang, H. X., Jing, Y., Zhao, N., Zang, Y. F.*, & Zhang, J.* (2020). High-frequency rTMS of the motor cortex modulates cerebellar and widespread activity as revealed by SVM. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 186.
8.Wang, J., Meng, H. J., Ji, G. J., Jing, Y., Wang, H. X., Deng, X. P., Feng, Z. J., Zhao, N., Zang, Y. F.*, & Zhang, J.* (2020). Finger Tapping Task Activation vs. TMS Hotspot: Different Locations and Networks. Brain topography, 33(1), 123–134.
9.Pi, Y. L., Wu, X. H., Wang, F. J., Liu, K., Wu, Y., Zhu, H.*, & Zhang, J.* (2019). Motor skill learning induces brain network plasticity: A diffusion-tensor imaging study. PloS One, 14(2), e0210015.
10.Zhu, H., Pi, Y. L., Qiu, F. H., Wang, F. J., Liu, K., Ni, Z., Wu, Y., & Zhang, J.* (2019). Visual and action-control expressway associated with efficient information transmission in elite athletes. Neuroscience, 404, 353–370.
11.Qiu, F., Peng, W., Li, M., Zhang, L., Zhu, H., Tan, X., Li, H.*, & Zhang, J.* (2019). Effects of physical exercise on negative emotional susceptibility in young adult females: An event-related potential study. Brain Research, 1722, 146382.
12.Meng, H. J.#, Pi, Y. L.#, Liu, K., Cao, N., Wang, Y. Q., Wu, Y., & Zhang, J.* (2018). Differences between motor execution and motor imagery of grasping movements in the motor cortical excitatory circuit. PeerJ, 6, e5588.
13.张兰兰, 沈诚, 朱桦, 李雪佩, 戴雯, 吴殷, & 张剑*. (2017). 运动技能水平与躯体感觉输入对运动表象的影响. 心理学报, 49(03),307-316.