部门:BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 毕业院校:格拉斯哥大学(苏格兰) 出生年月:1991年7月 学位:博士 学历:研究生 联系电话:18917331133 电子邮箱:2070164L@gmail.com 办公地址:图文信息楼BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台417办公室 通讯地址:上海市长海路399号betvlctor网页版登录BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 |
2007-2010 本科 西雅图大学(原西雅图中央社区学院;美国)
2010-2012 本科 华盛顿州立大学
2013-2014 硕士研究生 格拉斯哥大学
2014-2018 博士研究生 格拉斯哥大学
2018-2020 博士后 复旦大学社会学流动站
2020至今 betvlctor网页版登录 BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 副教授
2022-2025 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目
2018-2020 博士后国际交流项目(引进)
1.Han, H#., Li, X#., Wang, S., Hong, R., Ji, J., Chen, J., Zhu, H., Morrison, E., & Lei, X. (2023). The picky men: Men's preference for women's body differed among attractiveness, health, and fertility conditions. Personality and Individual Differences, 201, 111921.
2.Li, X., Lei, X., Xie, R., Chen, S., Xu, C., Han, C., & Deng, S. (2022). Good video game players look better: Exploring the relationship between game skills, sexual dimorphism, and facial attractiveness. Current Psychology.
3.Li, B., Li, X*., Stoet, G., & Lages, M. (2022). Processing Speed Predicts Mean Performance in Task-Switching but Not Task-Switching Cost. Psychological report.332941211072228.
4.Huang, L., Li, B., Yan, P., Xu, C., Tian, X., Han, C., & Li, X*. (2021). EXPRESS: Using Relative-Speed-of-Processing to Explain the Shielding Function of Task Rules. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 174702182110694.
5.Xu, Y., Nyeong, Y., Yu, Y., Li, B., & Li, X*. (2021). Task-switching in old participant: An potential interplay between strategy and cognitive ability. Acta Psychologica, 214, 103253.
6.Han, C., Li, X*., Chen, X., Lei, X., Liao, C., Zhang, L., Li, B., Peng, X., & Morrison, E. R. (2021). The Autumn Years: Age Differences in Preferences for Sexually Dimorphic Faces. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 0123456789.
7.Li, X#., Huang#, L., Li, B*., Han, C., & Wang, H (2020). Time for a True Display of Skill: Top Players in League of Legends Have Better Executive Control. Acta Psychologica, 204,103007
8.Guo, D., Li, B., Yu, Y., Liu, X., & Li, X*. (2019). Exploring the limitations of the shielding function of categorization rules in task-switching. Frontiers in Psychology, 10(MAY), 1-17.
9.Li, B., Li, X*., Liu, X., Lages, M., & Stoet, G. (2019). Target-Response Associations Can Produce Response-Congruency Effects Without Task-Switching Costs. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 40.
10.Li, X*., Li, B., Liu, X., Lages, M., & Stoet, G. (2019). Task-switching costs disappear if non-Chinese participants respond to Chinese characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, And Cognition, 45(11), 2051-2071.
11.邓士昌,林子涵,陆昱谦,李象千* (2023). 智能时代的新玩伴:儿童与机器人的互动特征及其对儿童发展的影响. 心理科学进展.
12.邓士昌,许祺,李象千* (2021). 基于心灵知觉理论的AI服务接受机制及促进策略. 心理科学进展.
其它合作论文 Other Cooperative Publications ( include non-psychological fields)
1.Sun, S., Cao, X., Li, X., Nyeong, Y., Zhang, X., & Wang, Z. (2023). Avoiding threats, but not acquiring benefits, explains the effect of future time perspective on promoting health behavior. Heliyon. e19842
2.Han, C., Lei, X., Yan, P., Li, X., & Morrison, R. (2021). Age differences in preferences for body physique. Personality and Individual Differences.111033.
3.Han, Watkins, C. D., Nan, Y., Ou, J., Lei, X., Li, X., & Wu, Y. (2021). Exogenous testosterone decreases men’s sensitivity to vocal cues of male dominance. Hormones and Behavior, 127, 104871.
4.Han, C., Zhang, Y., Lei, X., Li, X., Morrison, E. R., & Wu, Y*. (2020). Single dose testosterone administration increases men’s facial femininity preference in a Chinese population. Psychoneuroendocrinology.104630.
5.Li, B., Li, X., Stoet, G., & Lages, M (2019) Exploring Individual Differences in Task Switching. Acta Psychologica, 193, 80-95.