部门:BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 毕业院校:西南大学 学位:博士 学历:博士研究生 邮编:200438 联系电话:021-6550 电子邮箱:chenantao@sus.edu.cn;xscat@swu.edu.cn 办公地址:图文信息楼BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台402办公室 通讯地址:上海市长海路399号betvlctor网页版登录BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 |
1994.09-1998.07 西南师范大学,心理学专业学习,获学士学位
2000.09-2003.07 西南师范大学,发展与教育心理学专业学习,获硕士学位
2003.09-2007.01 西南大学,发展与教育心理学专业学习,获博士学位
1998.07-2005.10 乐山师范学院,教育系,助教
2005.10-2006.06 西南大学,BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台,讲师
2006.06-2010.06 西南大学,BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台,副教授
2007.11-2012.03 电子科技大学,生命科学与技术学院,博士后
2010.06-2022.02 西南大学,心理学部,教授
2022.02-至今 betvlctor网页版登录,BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台,教授
2.校管课题: 中心系统在认知控制中的作用机制研究(2022YJ001),2022.07-2025.07,20万,主持
7.铸牢中华民族共同体意识的心理测评与培育体系构建,国家民委民族研究项目,批准号2020-GMG-020, 2021.6-2023.6,1万,主持
12.基于维度相似性的注意与认知控制神经机制研究,国家自然科学基金项目,批准号31170980, 2012.1-2015.12,50万,主持
1.Wang, J., Long, Q., Gu, Y., Zhang, M., Li, Q., Stonier, F., & Chen, A.* (2022). Timing characteristics of reactive and proactive emotion regulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 181, 104-111.
2.陈永强, 高伟, 张孟可, 尹首航, 陈安涛*. (2022). 注意引导绑定:冲突适应研究整合的路径. 科学通报, 2022, 67(8), 728-741.
3.Yin, S., Li, Y., & Chen, A.* (2022). Functional coupling between frontoparietal control subnetworks bridges the default and dorsal attention networks. Brain Structure and Function, 227(7), 2243-2260.
4.Yan, M., Li, Q., Long, Q., Xu, L., Hu, N., & Chen, A.* (2022). Evaluative distractors modulate attentional disengagement: People would rather stay longer on rewards. Journal of Vision, 22(8), 1-9.
5.Li, Q., Wang, J., Li, Z., & Chen, A.* (2022). Decoding the Specificity of Post-Error Adjustments Using EEG-Based Multivariate Pattern Analysis. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(35), 6800-6809.
6.Zhang, M., Li, Q., Li, Y., Chen, Y., Gu, Y., Yin, S., & Chen, A.* (2022). Temporal dynamics of conflict adaptation across different conflict strengths. Psychophysiology, e14160.
7.Lin, Y., Li, Q., Zhang, M., Su, Y., Wang, X., Li, H., & Chen, A.* (2022). Evidence in Support of Analogical Reasoning Improvements with Executive Attention Intervention in Healthy Young Adults. Neuroscience Bulletin, 1-15.
8.Hou, Y., Hou, W., Zhang, Y., Liu, W., & Chen, A.* (2022). Relationship between working stress and anxiety of medical workers in the COVID-19 situation: A moderated mediation model. Journal of Affective Disorder, 297, 314-320.
9.Hu, N., Long, Q., Li, Q., Hu, X., Li, Y., Zhang, S., Chen, A.*, Huo, R., Liu, J. & Wang, X. (2021). The modulation of salience and central executive networks by acute stress in healthy males: An EEG microstates study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 169, 63-70.
10.Wang, T., Chen, X., Pan, W., Xiao, Q., & Chen, A.* (2021). The neural network underlying individual differences in conflict adaptation effect. Biological Psychology, 164, 108150.
11.Tang, Y., Chen, Z., Jiang, Y., Zhu, C., & Chen, A.* (2021). From reversal to normal: Robust improvement in conflict adaptation through real-time functional near infrared spectroscopy-based neurofeedback training. Neuropsychologia, 157, 107866–107866.
12.Zhang, J., Wang, X., Zhang, D., Chen, A.*, & Liu, D.* (2021). The ecological validity of MET was favourable in sitting implicit sequence learning consciousness by eyes closed and eyes open resting states fMRI. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 13396–13396.
13.Li, Y., Wang, Y., Yu, F., & Chen, A.* (2021). Large‐scale reconfiguration of connectivity patterns among attentional networks during context‐dependent adjustment of cognitive control. Human Brain Mapping, 42(12), 3821–3832.
14.Yu, L., Long, Q., Tang, Y., Yin, S., Chen, Z., Zhu, C., & Chen, A.* (2021). Improving Emotion Regulation Through Real-Time Neurofeedback Training on the Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: Evidence From Behavioral and Brain Network Analyses. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 620342–620342.
15.Yin, S., Bi, T., Chen, A.*, & Egner, T. (2021). Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Drives the Prioritization of Self-Associated Stimuli in Working Memory. The Journal of Neuroscience, 41(9), 2012–2023.
16.Gu, Y., Liu, T., Zhang, X., Long, Q., Hu, N., Zhang, Y., & Chen, A.* (2021). The Event-Related Potentials Responding to Outcome Valence and Expectancy Violation during Feedback Processing. Cerebral Cortex, 31(2), 1060–1076.
17.Li, Q., Hu, N., Li, Y., Long, Q., Gu, Y., Tang, Y., & Chen, A.* (2021). Error-induced adaptability: Behavioral and neural dynamics of response-stimulus interval modulations on posterror slowing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 150(5), 851–863.
18.张孟可,李晴,尹首航 & 陈安涛*.(2021).冲突水平的变化诱发冲突适应.心理学报,53(2),128-138.
19.Xin, F., Zhou, X., Dong, D., Zhao, Z., Yang, X., Wang, Q., Gu, Y., Kendrick, K., Chen, A.*, & Becker, B.* (2020). Oxytocin Differentially Modulates Amygdala Responses during Top-Down and Bottom-Up Aversive Anticipation. Advanced Science, 7(16), 2001077.
20.Long, Q.#, Luo, T.#, Zhang, S., Jiang, Y., Hu, N., Gu, Y., Xu, P., & Chen, A.* (2020). The state of memory-matched distractor in working memory influence the visual attention. PLOS ONE, 15(12).
21.Wang, J., & Chen, A.* (2020). High progesterone levels facilitate women’s social information processing by optimizing attention allocation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 122, 104882.
22.Qiao, L., Xu, M., Luo, X., Zhang, L., Li, H., & Chen, A. * (2020). Flexible adjustment of the effective connectivity between the fronto-parietal and visual regions supports cognitive flexibility. NeuroImage, 220, 117158.
23.Long, Q., Hu, N., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Yuan, J., & Chen, A. * (2020). Suggestion of cognitive enhancement improves emotion regulation. Emotion, 20(5), 866–873.
24.Li, Q., Long, Q., Hu, N., Tang, Y., & Chen, A. * (2020). N-Back Task Training Helps to Improve Post-error Performance. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 370.
25.Wang, L., Gu, Y., Zhao, G., & Chen, A. *(2020). Error-related negativity and error awareness in a Go/No-go task. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 4026.
26.Zhang, J., Wang, X., Huang, J., Chen, A. *, & Liu, D*. (2020). Testing the Process Dissociation Procedure by Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data: The Establishment of the Mutually Exclusive Theory and the Improved PDP. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 474538.
27.胡娜,陈安涛*,王宴庆,李晴,许珍珍 & 龙泉杉.(2020).急性应激损伤错误监控与错误后调整.心理学报,52(2),162-172.
28.Yin, S., Sui, J., Chiu, Y.-C., Chen, A. *, & Egner, T. (2019). Automatic Prioritization of Self-Referential Stimuli in Working Memory. Psychological Science, 30(3), 415–423.
29.Wang, Y., Braver, T. S., Yin, S., Hu, X., Wang, X., & Chen, A. *(2019). Reward improves response inhibition by enhancing attentional capture. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 14(1), 35–45.
30.Hu, N., Hu, X., Xu, Z., Li, Q., Long, Q., Gu, Y., & Chen, A. * (2019). Temporal dynamic modulation of acute stress on error processing in healthy males. Psychophysiology, 56(9).
31.李含笑,龙泉杉,陈安涛* & 李晴.(2019).奖赏动机对情绪调节的影响.生理学报,71(4),562-574.
32.王丽君,胡学平,索涛,赵国祥 & 陈安涛*.(2019).脑岛自发神经活动强度可预测个体错误后反应调整速度.科学通报,64(21),2207-2215.
33.王宴庆,陈安涛*,胡学平 & 尹首航.(2019).奖赏通过增强信号监测提升认知控制.心理学报,51(1), 48-57.
34.陈安涛*.(2019).认知控制基本功能的神经机制.生理学报,71(1), 149-155.
35.李晴 &陈安涛*.(2018).视频游戏对认知能力的影响及其神经基础.心理科学,(6),1318-1324.
36.Li, F., Yin, S., Feng, P., Hu, N., Ding, C., & Chen, A. * (2018). The cognitive up- and down-regulation of positive emotion: Evidence from behavior, electrophysiology, and neuroimaging. Biological Psychology, 136, 57–66.
37.Chen, Z., Zhao, X., Fan, J., & Chen, A. * (2018). Functional cerebral asymmetry analyses reveal how the control system implements its flexibility. Human Brain Mapping, 39(12), 4678–4688.
38.Yin, S., Fu, C., & Chen, A. * (2018). The structural and functional correlates underlying individual heterogeneity of reading the mind in the eyes. Biological Psychology, 138, 179–184.
39.Qiao, L., Xu, L., Che, X., Zhang, L., Li, Y., Xue, G., Li, H., & Chen, A. * (2018). The Motivation-Based Promotion of Proactive Control: The Role of Salience Network. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 328–328.
40.Tan, J., Yin, S., Wang, L., Chen, A. *, & Egner, T. (2018). Processing overlap-dependent distractor dilution rather than perceptual target load determines attentional selectivity. Attention Perception & Psychophysics, 80(8), 2048–2059.
41.夏海硕,丁晴雯,庄岩 & 陈安涛*.(2018).体育锻炼促进认知功能的脑机制.心理科学进展,26(10), 1857-1868.
42.庄乾,陈帅禹,张猛, 陈安涛* & 刘一军.(2018).担忧个体自我图式的负性偏向.中国科学:生命科学,48(05),583-591.
43.Yin, S., Deák, G., & Chen, A. * (2017). Coactivation of cognitive control networks during task switching. Neuropsychology (Journal), 32(1), 31–39.
44.Qiao, L., Zhang, L., Chen, A. *, & Egner, T. (2017). Dynamic Trial-by-Trial Recoding of Task-Set Representations in the Frontoparietal Cortex Mediates Behavioral Flexibility. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(45), 11037–11050.
45.Gao, X., Pan, W., Li, C., Weng, L., Yao, M., & Chen, A. * (2017). Long-Time Exposure to Violent Video Games Does Not Show Desensitization on Empathy for Pain: An fMRI Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 650–650.
46.Yin, S., Liu, L., Tan, J., Ding, C., Yao, D., & Chen, A. * (2017). Attentional control underlies the perceptual load effect: Evidence from voxel-wise degree centrality and resting-state functional connectivity. Neuroscience, 362, 257–264.
47.Hu, M., Wang, X., Zhang, W., Hu, X., & Chen, A. * (2017). Neural interactions mediating conflict control and its training-induced plasticity. NeuroImage, 163, 390–397.
48.Zhang, T., Zhang, Q., Wang, C., & Chen, A. * (2017). The developmental relationship between central dopaminergic level and response inhibition from late childhood to young adulthood. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 116, 53–59.
49.Huang, J., Li, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, X., Huang, C., Chen, A. *, & Liu, D.* (2017). fMRI Investigation on Gradual Change of Awareness States in Implicit Sequence Learning. Scientific Reports, 7(1), 16731–16731.
50.Hu, X., Wang, X., Gu, Y., Luo, P., Yin, S., Wang, L., Fu, C., Qiao, L., Du, Y.*, & Chen, A. * (2017). Phonological experience modulates voice discrimination: Evidence from functional brain networks analysis. Brain and Language, 173, 67–75.
51.张丽宏, 陈安涛* & 陈骁.(2017).孤独症的性别差异:从基因、性激素到脑结构.中国临床心理学杂志,25(4),635-638.
52.Pan, W., Liu, C., Yang, Q., Gu, Y., Yin, S., & Chen, A. * (2016). The neural basis of trait self-esteem revealed by the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations and resting state functional connectivity. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(3), 367–376.
53.Wang, X., Zhang, W., Sun, Y., Hu, M., & Chen, A. * (2016). Aberrant intra-salience network dynamic functional connectivity impairs large-scale network interactions in schizophrenia. Neuropsychologia, 93(93), 262–270.
54.Yang, Q., Wang, X., Yin, S., Zhao, X., Tan, J., & Chen, A. * (2016). Improved emotional conflict control triggered by the processing priority of negative emotion. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 24302–24302.
55.Gu, Y., Hu, X., Pan, W., Yang, C., Wang, L., Li, Y., & Chen, A. * (2016). Neural Activities Underlying the Feedback Express Salience Prediction Errors for Appetitive and Aversive Stimuli. Scientific Reports, 6(1), 34032–34032.
56.Wang, X., Zhao, X., Xue, G., & Chen, A. * (2016). Alertness function of thalamus in conflict adaptation. NeuroImage, 132, 274–282.
57.Zhang, T.*, Wang, C., Tan, F., Mou, D., Zheng, L., & Chen, A. * (2016). Different relationships between central dopamine system and sub-processes of inhibition: Spontaneous eye blink rate relates with N2 but not P3 in a Go/Nogo task. Brain and Cognition, 105, 95–103.
58.Wang, L., Pan, W., Tan, J., Liu, C., & Chen, A. * (2016). Slowing after Observed Error Transfers across Tasks. PLOS ONE, 11(3).
59.Zhuang, Q., Wang, L., Tang, Y., & Chen, A. * (2016). Translation of fear reflex into impaired cognitive function mediated by worry. Chinese Science Bulletin, 61(24), 1841–1843.
60.王丽君,刘长平,胡学平 & 陈安涛*.(2016).警觉水平影响错误后行为适应.科学通报,61(34),3708-3717.
61.罗培,胡学平,王小影,王婷 & 陈安涛*.(2016).负性情绪加工与体验以相反方式影响冲突适应.中国科学:生命科学,46(03),330-338.
62.赵晓月,唐丹丹,谭金凤 & 陈安涛*.(2016).背景颜色对一致性序列效应的调节.心理科学,39(1),50-55.
63.Yin, S., Wang, T., Pan, W., Liu, Y., & Chen, A. * (2015). Task-switching Cost and Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain: Toward Understanding Individual Differences in Cognitive Flexibility. PLOS ONE, 10(12).
64.Wang, X., Wang, T., Chen, Z., Hitchman, G., Liu, Y., & Chen, A. * (2015). Functional connectivity patterns reflect individual differences in conflict adaptation. Neuropsychologia, 70, 177–184.
65.Wang, X., Li, F., Zheng, H., Wang, W., Zhang, W., Liu, Z., Sun, Y., Chan, R. C., & Chen, A. * (2015). Breakdown of the striatal-default mode network loop in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 168(1), 366–372.
66.Wu, S., Hitchman, G., Tan, J., Zhao, Y., Tang, D., Wang, L., & Chen, A. * (2015). The neural dynamic mechanisms of asymmetric switch costs in a combined Stroop-task-switching paradigm. Scientific Reports, 5(1), 10240–10240.
67.Wang, L., Tang, D., Zhao, Y., Hitchman, G., Wu, S., Tan, J., & Chen, A. * (2015). Disentangling the impacts of outcome valence and outcome frequency on the post-error slowing. Scientific Reports, 5(1), 8708–8708.
68.Tan, J., Zhao, Y., Wang, L., Tian, X., Cui, Y., Yang, Q., Pan, W., Zhao, X., & Chen, A. * (2015). The Competitive Influences of Perceptual Load and Working Memory Guidance on Selective Attention. PLOS ONE, 10(6).
69.Tang, D., Hu, L., Lei, Y., Li, H., & Chen, A. * (2015). Frontal and occipital-parietal alpha oscillations distinguish between stimulus conflict and response conflict. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 433–433.
70.Wang, L., Tan, J., Chen, J., & Chen, A. * (2015). The influence of observers’ sex on attention-demanding performance depends on performers’ sex. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1217–1217.
71.Liu, L., Tan, J., & Chen, A. *. (2015). Linking inter-individual differences in the perceptual load effect to spontaneous brain activity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9, 409–409.
72.陈安涛, 林瑞文, 何春红, 张灵聪 & 郝兴昌*.(2015).大小Stroop任务下的双向干扰效应. 中国科学:生命科学,45(11),1140-1147.
73.杨倩, 谭金凤 & 陈安涛*.(2015).信息加工阶段与情绪刺激加工. 心理科学,38(04),801-806.
1.2021年6月,优秀科技论文奖,成果名称“Error-related negativity and error awareness in a Go/no-go task”,贰等,授予单位:河南省教育厅
12.2003年6月,论文“儿童归纳推理基础理论探索”获2002-2003学年度研究生优秀科研成果奖一等奖(西南师范大学,两人合作排名第二 )