部门:中国乒乓球学院 毕业院校:日本广岛大学 学位:博士学位 学历:博士研究生 邮编:200438 联系电话:021-65507010 电子邮箱:renjie@sus.edu.cn 办公地址:中国乒乓球学院212办公室 通讯地址:上海市长海路399号betvlctor网页版登录中国乒乓球学院 |
1989.09-1993.06 武汉体育学院,运动心理学专业学习,获学士学位
1997.09-2000.06 上海体育学院,体育教育与训练专业学习,获硕士学位
2005.03-2008.07 日本广岛大学,健康体育学专业学习,获博士学位
1993.07-2014.11 上海体育学院,运动科学学院,教授
2014.12-至今 betvlctor网页版登录,中国乒乓球学院,教授
1.Wang, L., Lin, L., Sun, Y., Hou, S., &Ren, J.* (2022). The effect of movement speed on audiovisual temporal integration in streaming-bouncing illusion. Experimental Brain Research, 240(4), 1139-1149.
2.林立悦, 王璐宁, 任元师, &任杰*. (2022). 早期听觉信息在乒乓球接发球旋转判断中的作用. 中国体育科技, (06), 41-46.
3.彭艳芳, &任杰*. (2021). 基于Web of science的“Choking”研究热点演化分析. 中国体育科技, 57(5), 52-61.
4.彭艳芳, &任杰*. (2021). 精准类项目运动表现与大脑EEG特征潜在关系研究. 天津体育学院学报, 36(3), 332-338.
5.李莎, 冯洁, &任杰*. (2021). 老年人选择性注意运动干预及评估方法. 中国老年学杂志, (16), 3610-3615.
6.张嘉敏,冯洁,侯爽,冯洁,施之皓,&任杰*. (2020). 乒乓球比赛技战术效果评析模型的构建与应用. 天津体育学院学报, 2020, 35(6), 740-744.
7.杨伊, &任杰*. (2020). 我国中小学体育课程改革70年——兼论人工智能对体育教育的影响. 体育科学, 40(6), 32-37.
8.季云峰,任杰*, & 施之皓. (2020). 乒乓球机器人视觉系统的实时跟踪. 上海体育学院学报, 44(6), 70-75.
9.Peng, Y., Zhu, Q., Wang, B., &Ren, J.* (2020). A cross-sectional study on interference control: age affects reactive control but not proactive control. PeerJ, 8, e8365.
10.Feng, J., Hung, T. M., Huang, R., Hou, S., &Ren, J.* (2020). Role of proprioception in slow and rapid movements. Perceptual and motor skills, 127(2), 281-298.
11.郭玮, 王碧野, &任杰*. (2019). 开放性运动锻炼老年人视空间工作记忆优势的机制研究. 中国体育科技, 55(10), 50-55+80.
12.Wang, K. P., Cheng, M. Y., Chen, T. T., Chang, Y. K., Huang, C. J., Feng, J., ... &Ren, J.* (2019). Experts’ successful psychomotor performance was characterized by effective switch of motor and attentional control. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 374-379.
13.Ma, S., Xu, Z., &Ren, J.* (2019). Analysis of neurochemicals by capillary electrophoresis in athletes' urine and a pilot study of their changes responding to sport fatigue. Analytical Methods, 11(20), 2712-2719.
14.He, T., Xu, Z., &Ren, J.* (2019). Pressure-assisted electrokinetic injection stacking for seven typical antibiotics in waters to achieve μg/L level analysis by capillary electrophoresis with UV detection. Microchemical Journal, 146, 1295-1300.
15.肖毅, 黄睿,任杰*, & 李天江. (2019). 新型有缝和无缝塑料乒乓球弹性特征及对击球速度和旋转影响的试验研究. 天津体育学院学报, (01), 67-73.
16.季云峰,黄睿,施之皓,&任杰*. (2018). 乒乓球精确旋转、速度及落点数据的人工神经网络模型研究. 上海体育学院学报, 42(6), 98-103.
17.冯洁,张嘉敏,&任杰*. (2017). 本体感觉的不同成分在慢速和快速运动控制中的作用. 天津体育学院学报, 32(6), 514-519.
18.冯祺, &任杰*. (2017). 平衡与动作控制中的预期性姿势调节. 中国运动医学杂志, 36(11), 1017-1025.
19.Guo, W., Wang, B., Lu, Y., Zhu, Q., Shi, Z., &Ren, J.* (2016). The relationship between different exercise modes and visuospatial working memory in older adults: a cross-sectional study. PeerJ, 4, e2254.
20.Ren, J., Guo, W., Yan, J. H.*, Liu, G., & Jia, F. (2016). Practice and nap schedules modulate children's motor learning. Developmental Psychobiology, 58(1), 107-119.
21.Guo, W.,Ren, J.*, Wang, B., & Zhu, Q. (2015). Effects of relaxing music on mental fatigue induced by a continuous performance task: behavioral and ERPs evidence. PloS one, 10(8), e0136446.
22.Ren, J., Huang, S., Zhang, J., Zhu, Q., Wilson, A. D., Snapp-Childs, W., & Bingham, G. P.* (2015). The 50s cliff: a decline in perceptuo-motor learning, not a deficit in visual motion perception. PloS one, 10(4), e0121708.