部门:BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 毕业院校:betvlctor网页版登录 学位:博士 学历:博士研究生 邮编:200438 联系电话:021-65507526 电子邮箱:chenglin_600@126.com 办公地址:图文信息楼BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台414办公室 通讯地址:上海市长海路399号betvlctor网页版登录BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 |
1980.07-1984.07 沈阳体育学院,体育教育训练学,专业学习,获学士学位
1984.09-1986.06 浙江大学,心理系,进修
1989.09-1991.12 武汉体育学院,运动心理学,专业学习,获硕士学位
2001.09-2004.07 上海体育学院,体育人文社会学,专业学习,获博士学位
1984.07-2004.02 沈阳体育学院,教授
2004.03-至今 betvlctor网页版登录,教授
7.总局运动管理中心、市教委、市体育局、市教育学会项目:上海市学龄前儿童体力活动水平及其簇集性特征(HJTY-2014-A10), 2015.10-2016.12,10万,主持
1.Qi, X.#, Wang, Y.#, Lu, Y., Zhao, Q., Chen, Y.,Zhou, C.*, & Yu, Y.* (2022). Enhanced brain network flexibility by physical exercise in female methamphetamine users. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 1-17.
2.金鑫虹, 丁宇翔, &周成林*. (2022). 运动促进大脑健康:来自行为和脑科学的证据. 科技导报, (10), 39-48.
3.金鑫虹, 王小宇, 王碧野, 王怡萱, &周成林*. (2022). 舞蹈运动员节奏感知同步优势及大脑神经活动特点. 中国体育科技, (05), 43-50.
4.Wang, Y., Ji, Q., Fu, R., Zhang, G., Lu, Y., &Zhou, C.* (2022). Hand‐related action words impair action anticipation in expert table tennis players: Behavioral and neural evidence. Psychophysiology, 59(1), e13942.
5.Zhou, Y., Finlayson, G., Liu, X., Zhou, Q., Liu, T., &Zhou, C.* (2021). Effects of Acute Dance and Aerobic Exercise on Drug Craving and Food Reward in Women with Methamphetamine Dependence. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 53(11), 2245-2253.
6.王碧野,周成林*, & 郭玮. (2021). 自主动作引起感知衰减的时间特征与机制. 中国体育科技, 57(03), 3-9.
7.Jin, X., Lu, Y., Hatfield, B. D., Wang, X., Wang, B., &Zhou, C.* (2021). Ballroom dancers exhibit a dispositional need for arousal and elevated cerebral cortical activity during preferred melodic recall. PeerJ, 9, e10658.
8.Zhang, Y., Lu, Y., Wang, D.,Zhou, C.*, & Xu, C.* (2021). Relationship between individual alpha peak frequency and attentional performance in a multiple object tracking task among ice-hockey players. PLoS ONE, 16(5), e0251443
9.Lu, Y.#, Qi, X.#, Zhao, Q., Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Li, X., ... &Zhou, C.* (2021). Effects of exercise programs on neuroelectric dynamics in drug addiction. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 15(1), 27-42.
10.周成林, & 金鑫虹. (2021). 从脑科学诠释体育运动提升学习效益的理论与实践. 上海体育学院学报, 45(01), 20-28.
11.Jin, J., Wu, Y., Li, S., Jin, S., Wang, L., Zhang, J.,Zhou, C.*, Gao, Y., & Wang, Z.* (2020). Effect of 1 year of Qigong exercise on cognitive function among older Chinese adults at risk of cognitive decline: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 546834.
12.赵祁伟, 陆颖之, &周成林*. (2020). 新兴技术融合发展下竞技运动心理学研究进展, 实践与展望. 上海体育学院学报, 44(11), 18-27.
13.刘佳宁, 王莹莹, 周宇, 陈一凡, &周成林*. (2020). 不同运动方式对甲基苯丙胺依赖者食物奖赏功能的改善作用:一项近红外功能成像研究. 中国体育科技, 56(11), 65-70.
14.赵琦, 刘佳宁, 陆颖之, &周成林*. (2020). 长期有氧运动改善甲基苯丙胺成瘾者对毒品的渴求——来自alpha波的证据. 中国运动医学杂志, 39(10), 804-809.
15.Chen, Y., Wang, Y., Zhao, Q., Wang, Y., Lu, Y.*, &Zhou, C.* (2020). Watching video of discrete maneuvers yields better action memory and greater activation in the middle temporal gyrus in half-pipe snowboarding athletes. Neuroscience Letters, 739, 135336.
16.Li, C., Li, R.*, &Zhou, C.* (2020). Memory traces diminished by exercise affect new learning as proactive facilitation. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14, 189.
17.Li, C., Liu, T., Li, R.*, &Zhou, C.* (2020). Effects of exercise on proactive interference in memory: potential neuroplasticity and neurochemical mechanisms. Psychopharmacology, 237, 1917-1929.
18.Liu, J., McDonough, D. J., Wang, Y., Zhou, Y., Gao, Z.*, &Zhou, C.* (2020). Investigating the associations among drug dependents’ family function and exercise attitudes: marital status differences. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21): 8111.
19.王碧野,周成林*, & 郭玮. (2020). 自主动作对目标觉察速度与辨别能力的影响. 天津体育学院学报, 35(03), 350-355.
20.Lu, Y., Yang, T., Hatfield, B. D., Cong, F., &Zhou, C.* (2020). Influence of cognitive-motor expertise on brain dynamics of anticipatory-based outcome processing. Psychophysiology, 57(2), e13477.
21.Nien, J. T., Wu, C. H., Yang, K. T., Cho, Y. M.*, Chu, C. H.*, Chang, Y. K.*, &Zhou, C.* (2020). Mindfulness training enhances endurance performance and executive functions in athletes: An event-related potential study. Neural Plasticity, 2020.
22.Zhang, L., Chu, C. H., Liu, J. H., Chen, F. T., Nien, J. T.,Zhou, C.*, & Chang, Y. K.* (2020). Acute coordinative exercise ameliorates general and food-cue related cognitive function in obese adolescents. Journal of sports sciences, 38(8), 953-960.
23.Zhao, Q., Wang, X., Lu, Y., Zhao, Q., &Zhou, C.* (2020). Effects of chronic exercise on temporal discounting among persons with methamphetamine use disorder. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 19, 100350.
24.王莹莹, 陆颖之, 杨甜甜, 顾楠, &周成林*. (2020). 概念经验对乒乓球运动员动作加工的影响——一项ERP研究. 上海体育学院学报, 44(07), 69-76+84.
25.Chen, J., Li, Y., Zhang, G., Jin, X., Lu, Y.*, &Zhou, C.* (2019). Enhanced inhibitory control during re-engagement processing in badminton athletes: An event-related potential study. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 8(6), 585-594.
26.Jin, X., Wang, B., Lv, Y., Lu, Y., Chen, J., &Zhou, C.* (2019). Does dance training influence beat sensorimotor synchronization? differences in finger-tapping sensorimotor synchronization between competitive ballroom dancers and nondancers. Experimental Brain Research, 237(3), 743-753.
27.邓玉琴, 王珏, 丛丰裕, &周成林*. (2019). 心智游移的功能磁共振成像研究进展. 磁共振成像, 10(04), 296-302.
28.Wang, H., Chen, Y., Li, X., Wang, J., Zhou, Y., &Zhou, C.* (2019). Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise restores appetite and prefrontal brain activity to images of food among persons dependent on methamphetamine: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 400.
29.Wang, Y., Ji, Q., &Zhou, C.* (2019). Effect of prior cues on action anticipation in soccer goalkeepers. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 137-143.
30.Wang, Y., Lu, Y., Deng, Y., Gu, N., Parviainen, T., &Zhou, C.* (2019). Predicting domain-specific actions in expert table tennis players activates the semantic brain network. NeuroImage, 200, 482-489.
31.Xu, C., Lu, Y., Wang, B., &Zhou, C.* (2019). Long-term high physical activity modulates event-related potential indices of inhibitory control in postmenopausal women. PeerJ, 7, e6523.
32.Zhou, Y., Lu, Y., Jin, X., Liu, J., Finlayson, G., &Zhou, C.* (2019). Effects of moderate-and high-intensity acute aerobic exercise on food reward and appetite in individuals with methamphetamine dependence. Physiology & Behavior, 211, 112649.
33.Wang, X.#, Zhang, C.#, Xia, X., Yang, Y., &Zhou, C.* (2019). Effect of gender on odor identification at different life stages: a meta-analysis. Rhinology, 57(5), 322-330.
34.王坤, 罗炯, 张庭然, 欧阳一毅 &周成林*. (2019). 药物成瘾与多巴胺能神经元的关系——抗阻力运动的调节作用. 中国药物依赖性杂志, (04), 254-262.
35.Deng, Y., Wang, X., Wang, Y., &Zhou, C.* (2018). Neural correlates of interference resolution in the multi-source interference task: a meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies. Behavioral and Brain Functions, 14(1), 1-9.
36.Lu, Y., Zhao, Q., Wang, Y., &Zhou, C.* (2018). Ballroom dancing promotes neural activity in the sensorimotor system: a resting-state fMRI study. Neural plasticity, 2018.
37.姬庆春, 陆颖之, 王莹莹, &周成林*. (2018). 足球运动员冲突情境下的认知优势及其 ERP 研究. 体育与科学, 39(4), 60-65.
38.陈嘉成, 李雅南, 金鑫虹, &周成林*. (2018). 高水平羽毛球运动员抑制控制特点: 一项 ERP 的研究. 天津体育学院学报, 33(2), 131-138.
39.周跃辉, &周成林*. (2018). 运动对尼古丁戒断大鼠学习与记忆能力的影响及机制. 中国运动医学杂志, 37(3), 224-232.
40.陆颖之, 王莹莹, 赵琦, &周成林*. (2018). 专项运动经验对知觉预判过程中线索提取与加工的影响. 天津体育学院学报, 33(1), 33-38.
41.Zhao, Q., Lu, Y.*, Jaquess, K. J., &Zhou, C.* (2018). Utilization of cues in action anticipation in table tennis players. Journal of Sports Sciences, 36(23), 2699-2705.
42.Lu, Y., Jaquess, K. J., Hatfield, B. D.,Zhou, C.*, & Li, H. (2017). Valence and arousal of emotional stimuli impact cognitive-motor performance in an oddball task. Biological psychology, 125, 105–114.
43.Wang, Y., Gu, R., Luo, Y. J., &Zhou, C.* (2017). The interaction between state and dispositional emotions in decision making: An ERP study. Biological psychology, 123, 126–135.
44.Wang, D., Zhu, T.,Zhou, C.*, & Chang, Y. K.* (2017). Aerobic exercise training ameliorates craving and inhibitory control in methamphetamine dependencies: a randomized controlled trial and event-related potential study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 30, 82-90.
45.Ji, Q., Wang, Y., Guo, W., &Zhou, C.* (2017). Contribution of underlying processes to improved visuospatial working memory associated with physical activity. PeerJ, 5, e3430.
46.赵琦, 陆颖之, 王莹莹, &周成林*. (2017).舞蹈运动员大脑感知运动系统的功能特征——一项静息态功能磁共振研究. 中国运动医学杂志, (12), 1081-1086.
47.朱风书,周成林*, & 颜军. (2017). 久坐吸烟大学生抑制功能受损的ERP证据. 体育与科学, (05), 115-120.
48.赵琦, 杨淇齐, 邓玉琴, &周成林*. (2017). 身体活动对改善药物成瘾戒断者脑功能损伤的研究——来自抑制加工及脑功能静息态的证据. 武汉体育学院学报, (05), 88-94.
49.张韧仁, &周成林*. (2017). 一次性身体锻炼期间不同时段的情绪效益及其心肺活动特征. 中国运动医学杂志, (03), 236-242+247.
50.崔晨, 王小春, 解淳, 吴雪萍, &周成林*. (2017). 急性有氧运动对超重青少年抑制功能效益的影响. 西安体育学院学报, (02), 214-220.
51.徐畅, 边青卿, 董薇, &周成林*. (2017). 长期高度活跃体力活动对绝经后妇女记忆刷新能力的影响. 第二军医大学学报, (01), 48-55.
52.Wang, B., Guo, W., &Zhou, C.* (2016). Selective enhancement of attentional networks in college table tennis athletes: a preliminary investigation. PeerJ, 4, e2762.
53.朱风书, &周成林*. (2016). 急性中等强度有氧运动对大学生抑制能力影响的研究——来自行为学与生理学的依据. 中国运动医学杂志, 35(10), 940-946.
54.Song, T. F., Chi, L., Chu, C. H., Chen, F. T.,Zhou, C.*, & Chang, Y. K.* (2016). Obesity, cardiovascular fitness, and inhibition function: An electrophysiological study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1124.
55.彭艳芳, &周成林*. (2016). 急性有氧运动对女大学生工作记忆影响的时程特点. 中国运动医学杂志, 35(5), 473-477.
56.朱风书, 吴雪萍, &周成林*. (2016). 不同身体活动水平大学生不良行为习惯抑制能力的行为和脑电特征. 沈阳体育学院学报, 35(2), 76-81.
57.Zhou, Y., Zhao, M.,Zhou, C.*, & Li, R.* (2016). Sex differences in drug addiction and response to exercise intervention: From human to animal studies. Frontiers in neuroendocrinology, 40, 24-41.
58.Lu, Y., Luo, Y., Lei, Y., Jaquess, K. J.,Zhou, C.*, & Li, H. (2016). Decomposing valence intensity effects in disgusting and fearful stimuli: an event-related potential study. Social neuroscience, 11(6), 618-626.
59.Li, C.,Zhou, C.*, & Li, R.* (2016). Can exercise ameliorate aromatase inhibitor-induced cognitive decline in breast cancer patients?. Molecular neurobiology, 53(6), 4238-4246.
60.Wang, D.,Zhou, C.*, & Chang, Y. K.* (2015). Acute exercise ameliorates craving and inhibitory deficits in methamphetamine: An ERP study. Physiology & Behavior, 147, 38-46.
61.王艳秋, 施大庆, 赵敏, &周成林*. (2015). 有氧运动对改善甲基苯丙胺类成瘾者抑制能力的研究——来自 ERP 的证据. 中国运动医学杂志, 34(3), 297-302.
62.朱风书,周成林*, 陆颖之, & 王东石. (2015). 中等强度有氧运动对大学生认知控制能力的影响及时程效益. 中国运动医学杂志, 34(2), 175-180.
1.周成林, 王小春. 运动戒毒康复理论与应用. 东北大学出版社, 2021-01
2.周成林. 运动戒毒康复标准诠释的理论与应用, 东北大学出版社, 2020-07
3.周成林, 王东石. 运动促进药物依赖者康复的理论与应用, 东北大学出版社, 2015-03
1.大连理工大学, 上海体育学院. 冬季项目运动员脑神经活动实时效率分析软件V1.0. 计算机软件著作权, 登记号:2021SR1531724, 2021-09-01
2.上海体育学院, 大连理工大学. 冬季项目运动员脑神经活动效率分析软件V1.0. 计算机软件著作权, 登记号:2021SR1531713, 2021-06-01
3.上海体育学院. 药物依赖性测试及运动处方生成系统V2.0. 计算机软件著作权, 登记号:2019SR0933279, 2019-06-01
4.上海体育学院. 药物依赖性测试及运动处方生成系统V1.0. 计算机软件著作权, 登记号:2015SR036161, 2015-01-08
1.周成林, 陈玉海, 王小春, 陆颖之, 郑维新, 王莹莹, 李夏雯, 赵金绍, 陈一凡, 赵琦, 刘佳宁, 周宇. 强制隔离戒毒人员运动戒毒康复评价指南. 地方评价标准. 浙江省戒毒协会, T/JD 0002—2020, 2020-10-23