部门:BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 毕业院校:中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所 出生年月:1977年7月 学位:理学博士 学历:博士研究生 联系电话:021-65507399 电子邮箱:duxiaoxia@sus.edu.cn 办公地址:图文信息楼BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台419 通讯地址:上海市长海路399号betvlctor网页版登录BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 |
1998.09 - 2002.06 华中科技大学(原华中理工大学),应用物理学专业学习,获学士学位
2002.09 - 2007.12 中国科学院武汉物理与数学研究所,无线电物理专业学习,获博士学位
2008.04 - 2012.12 华东师范大学 物理系上海市磁共振重点实验室 讲师
2013.01 - 2021.01 华东师范大学 物理系上海市磁共振重点实验室 副教授
2021.02 - 至今 betvlctor网页版登录 BETVLCTOR伟德在线登录平台 教授
1. 高水平运动员脑结构和功能特征
3. 帕金森、震颤等运动障碍疾病的脑影像机制
1.教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目:体育锻炼减缓女性产后抑郁症的理论模型构建及机制研究,2024.01-2026.12,10万, 主持。
2.国家自然科学面上基金项目:原发性单症状遗尿症儿童相关认知功能障碍的fMRI研究(81571658),2016.01-2019.12,58万元, 主持
4.国家自然科学基金面上项目:CADASIL患者偏头痛发生的多模态脑影像纵向追踪研究(82071282), 2021.01- 2024.12, 55万元, 在研, 第二参与人
1.Qin Z, Qu H, Liang HB, Zhou Q, Wang W, Wang M, Liu JR*,&DuX.*(2023).Altered resting-state effective connectivity of trigeminal vascular system in migraine without aura: A spectral dynamic causal modeling study.Headache,doi: 10.1111/head.14602. Online ahead of print.
2.Zhang K, Du X, Liu X, Su W, Sun Z, Wang M, &DuX.*(2022).Gender differences in brain response to infant emotional faces. BMC Neurosci,2022, 23(1):79.
3.Qin Z, Liang HB, Li M, Hu Y, Wu J, Qiao Y, Liu JR*,&Du
X.*(2021).Disrupted White Matter Functional Connectivity With the Cerebral Cortex in Migraine Patients. Front Neurosci, (15),799854.
4.Liang HB, Dong L, Cui Y, Wu J, Tang W, Du X*, & Liu JR.*(2023).Significant Structural Alterations and Functional Connectivity Alterations of Cerebellar Gray Matter in Patients With Somatic Symptom Disorder. Front Neurosci,(16):816435.
5.崔阳阳,俩怀彬,朱千,汤伟,高婷婷,刘建仁*,&杜小霞*.(2022).结合局部一致性和低频振幅探究躯体症状障碍患者大脑自发性活动的改变.波谱学杂志, (39),64-71.
6.高婷婷,王梦星,汤伟,董辽,杨光,杜小霞*,&马骏*.(2022).夜间遗尿症儿童静息态脑功能磁共振成像研究磁共振成像, (13),71-75.
8.Qin Z, Su J, He XW, Ban S, Zhu Q, Cui Y, Zhang J, Hu Y, Liu YS, Zhao R, Qiao Y, Li J, Liu JR*,&Du X*.(2020).Disrupted functional connectivity between sub-regions in the sensorimotor areas and cortex in migraine without aura.The journal of headache and pain,21(1),47.
9.Zhang K, Wang M, Zhang J,Du X*,&Chen Z*.(2020).Brain Structural Plasticity Associated with Maternal Caregiving in Mothers: A Voxel- and Surface-Based Morphometry Study. Neurodegener Dis,1-12.
10.Zhang K, Rigo P, Su X, Wang M, Chen Z, Esposito G, Putnick DL, Bornstein MH,&Du X*.(2020).Brain Responses to Emotional Infant Faces in New Mothers and Nulliparous Women. Scientific reports,10(1),9560.
11.Qin Z, He XW, Zhang J, Xu S, Li GF, Su J, Shi YH, Ban S, Hu Y, Liu YS, Zhuang MT, Zhao R, Shen XL, Li J, Liu JR,& Du X*.(2020).Altered Spontaneous Activity and Functional Connectivity in the Posterior Pons of Patients With Migraine Without Aura.J Pain.21(3-4),347-354.
12.Su J, Ban S, Wang M, Hua F, Wang L, Cheng X, Tang Y, Zhou H, Zhai Y*,Du X*,&Liu J*.(2019).Reduced resting-state brain functional network connectivity and poor regional homogeneity in patients with CADASIL.The journal of headache and pain,20(1),103.
13.Su J, Wang M, Ban S, Wang L, Cheng X, Hua F, Tang Y, Zhou H, Zhai Y,Du X*,&Liu J*.(2019).Relationship between changes in resting-state spontaneous brain activity and cognitive impairment in patients with CADASIL.The journal of headache and pain,20(1),36.
14.Zhang K, Wang M, Zhang J, Xie J, Su X,Du X*,&Chen Z*.(2019).Dynamic Alterations in Spontaneous Brain Activity in Mothers: A Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study.Neuroscience bulletin,35(4),766-770.
15.Qin Z, He XW, Zhang J, Xu S, Li GF, Su J, Shi YH, Ban S, Hu Y, Liu YS, Zhuang MT, Zhao R, Shen XL, Li J, Liu JR*,&Du X*.(2019).Structural changes of cerebellum and brainstem in migraine without aura.J Headache Pain,20(1),93.
16.Xu S, He XW, Zhao R, Chen W, Qin Z, Zhang J, Ban S, Li GF, Shi YH, Hu Y, Zhuang MT, Liu YS, Shen XL, Li J, Liu JR*,&Du X*.(2019).Cerebellar functional abnormalities in early stage drug-naïve and medicated Parkinson's disease.Journal of neurology,266(7),1578-87.
17.Wang M, Zhang A, Qin Z, Xu S, Ban S, Zhang J, Ma J*,&Du X*.(2019).Abnormal neural responses to emotional stimuli in children with primary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis.Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry,28 (7), 949-956 .
18.杜小霞*,,&秦朝霞.(2019).脑功能成像回顾与展望.磁共振成像. 10(10),721-726.建国70周年专栏约稿。
20.Wang M, Zhang A, Zhang J, Lu H, Xu S, Qin Z, Ma J*,&Du X*.(2018).Morphometric Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study in Children With Primary Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis. Frontiers in pediatrics,(6),103.
1.张慧; 杜小霞; 王梦星; 张记磊; 陆海锋 ; 一种基于磁共振成像的经颅磁刺激线圈定位方法, 2018- 1-16, 中国, ZL 2016 1 0832583.3
2.汪红志; 宋一桥; 王申林; 姚叶锋; 胡炳文; 余亦华; 杜小霞; 魏达秀 ; 基于数值模拟技术的仿真核 磁共振波谱分析方法及分析系统, 2021-5-25, 中国, ZL 201810161333.0 (中国发明专利)。
3.李毅; 辛家祥; 杜小霞; 魏达秀; 姚叶锋; 王嘉琛 ; 一种基于磁共振核自旋单态选择性检测牛磺酸的 方法, 2019-5-6, 中国, ZL 201910371432.6 (中国发明专利)。